
Showing posts from 2013

Next meeting

Our next community art group meeting of The Maker's Space is Tuesday, November 19th.  Eleanor Manning will be showing us her favorite subject, portraiture.  Don't be scared off, with a few simple proportions, anyone can start to draw portraits.  We meet at 6:30pm at the Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church.  Check out our website at

Pushing back the dark with light

Vicky Martin writes: This was an awesome word for all of you creative people. I am reading a book called "Born to Create" by Theresa Dedmon  from Bethel Church in Redding, CA. This was a quote from the book... "There is a release of the sword of the Spirit, which is for our offense, not for defense. The Lord is looking for a people who are raised up in warfare with the sword of the Spirit, which are the keys of the kingdom, and will begin to invade where the enemy has come in. The sword is going to take back the crafts, the gifts, and music. As we begin to take back what we gave away, we will begin to hear new music that will bring forth faith, crafts that will reveal Christ, and inspired pictures that will literally be prophecies a hundred years from now - these pictures will carry a prophesy as long as they survive.. These inspired pictures will speak the same languge all over the world, for the picture itself will speak the  language of Christ....

Art for God's Sake

Art For God's Sake The following is an excerpt from President Philip Ryken's book,  Art for God's Sake . Art For God's Sake Venues Conservatory Theater Academics Exhibits Musical Performances Community School of the Arts  "Art has tremendous power to shape culture and touch the human heart. Its artifacts embody the ideas and desires of the coming generation. This means that what is happening in the arts today is prophetic of what will happen in our culture tomorrow.  It also means that when Christians abandon the artistic community, we lose a significant opportunity to communicate Christ to our culture. Furthermore, when we settle for trivial expressions of the truth in worship and art, we ourselves are diminished, as we suffer a loss of transcendence. "What we need to recover (or possibly discover for the first time) is a full biblical understanding of the arts- not for art's sake, but for God's sake. Then we will be able to prod...
CREATIVITY TAKES COURAGE- HENRI MATISSE I loved this quote that I found posted in the Wheaton College paper.  It made me think of taking that first step into the the unknown of something that has never been done before.  When you think about any of our efforts to do anything whether it be a painting, cooking, a presentation for work, or any project, we do not know the exact outcome.  In the creative process, whether we know it or not, we join the Creator of the Universe, not knowing what will happen, but something happens as our mind evolves into ideas of what to do next.  This "joining" is a mystery, so much so, that the world ignores it and gives all of the credit to the human.  The courage that is needed is to just "start" and let the Master Creator take it from there.  How many times are we discouraged to not even take that first step?  What do you think?

Quotes..."The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life."--Jessica Hische

The Maker's Space

Visual Art Workshops (gr 6-Adult) | Wheaton

you tube video on "why do art"?

Image v=zGoEhNCLj0A YouTube  - Videos from this email
2013 Event Schedule for The Maker's Space Unless otherwise noted, events start at 6:30 at Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church 2013 Jan. Eucharistones..gratitude stones to give away Feb.  Celtic Glass Painting Mar.  Mosaic Cross beginning for the congregational Lenten mosaic cross Apr.  Ceramic lace bowls and platters for art sale May  Art sale and show/Attic Treasures to benefit Youth Czech Mission Trip June  Writer's Workshop July   Large Canvas Painting August  rescheduled September  Watercolor Oct.   Writer's Workshop  "Your Story" Nov.  18  Drawing Portraits with Eleanor Manning Dec.   16  Craft night for art sale and show in spring 2014 Jan.     20 Taking the fear out of Poetry Feb.    Writer's workshop with Don Holt former editor of Newsweek September's Watercolor Workshop

Introduction: What is the Maker's Space?

The Maker's Space  is a community art group that meets at the Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church monthly.  It is a place to explore the creativity that God placed inside of each one of us.  When we use our creative self, we commune with the Creator in a very special way.  It is open to anyone who is interested in growing that creative self.  This blog is a place to bounce off ideas, quotes, expressions and think outside the box in order to stretch past our creative blocks.  Hopefully, this will inspire all of us to live creatively.  There will also be scheduled events to encourage you to explore other mediums of creativity.