A day in New York City

My friend Tanya found herself in New York City for the day and decided to go to MOMA,
the museum of modern art.  She is also in the
process of going through her children's art 
keepsakes and wondered why some of these
paintings looked as if her children had done them
when they were in preschool.  "Someone needs
to explain to me why my kids aren't famous?"

 She was standing next to a stranger looking at this last
painting of OOF.  He said, "Note the perfect shape of the
O.  Its perfectly round."  Tanya responded, "The F's
proportions are perpendicular to the O.  As a result, the word OOF seems to come alive!"
Then they both started laughing.  Another gentleman turned around and gave both of them a
disapproving glance.  LOL @ MOMA


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