#1 How to feed your soul and live a more creative Life……..our inner child artist

Our inner artist is a child and needs to be able to play.  Our artist brain is our inventor, our child.  It sees things and says "Wow!  I like that color, that pattern, that verse...."  Our logic brain is our Censor.  It says, "That's not right.  I can't do that.   It's too hard."   We battle to let the child come out by the Censor, an internal and eternal critic who resides in our left brain and keeps up a constant stream of subversive remarks that are often disguised as the truth.  But remember that your Censor's negative opinions are not truth.  It takes practice to let go of the negativity and allow yourself to play and fail.  With gentle, deliberate effort, shadow artists must nurture their artist child.  Creativity is play, but for shadow artists, learning to allow themselves to play is hard work.

#1. " To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong."  Joseph Chilton Pearce
Try something unsafe and let go of the fact that it won't be something that you can sell.  Try to write a poem just to try, or draw something on a piece of paper just because it interests you.  Trying something for the first time is a whole new learning curve that challenges your brain to think outside of its box.  It's ok if it is hard and it you don't understand it the first time.  Wrestling with something and trying to "figure it out"in your brain is the point.

#2.  Art is the imagination at play in the field of time.  Let yourself play.  Schedule an "art date" with your artist child.  A weekly artist date is remarkably threatening--and remarkably productive.  A long country walk in solitude.  A solo trip to the beach, aquarium or art gallery.  A visit to a great junk store, a concert or jazz or gospel music in a strange church, an exploration of a new ethnic neighborhood or park or conservatory.  Dust off that old book of poetry.  Play the piano or guitar even if you don't know how.  Commit to do a solo art date and fight the temptation to include a third party.  Guard this time as sacred time to get nurture yourself.  Be on the look out for "dates" that interest you in the paper and set a time to do it!
{The above excerpts are taken from The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.}
Let's add some more ideas of how to live a creative life that feeds the soul……..I welcome your input...


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