
Showing posts from September, 2014

September Favorite Things

September is usually a wonderful month all of the world since it is a collar month around the equinox.  Here in the midwest, it is the last hurrah before long winters, hanging on to the last of the sun.  Below are some of my favorite things in September that give me joy.  Once you slow down to notice, you see God's treasures and surprises are everywhere. Monarch season Best beach glass day ever "I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness--secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name." Isaiah 43:3 warm September sun and beach "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us" Ps.67:1 September sunset over Lake Michigan "so that your ways may be known on earth and your salvation among all nations. " oaks and dropping acorns "May the peoples praise you, God.." First colors "May the nations be glad and sig for joy...

Still-life Canvas Painting September 16th

It is so joyous being in the company of creative people!  What a wonderful world this would be if everyone was pursuing joy through their God-given creativity.  That is what happened Tuesday night when fifteen gathered to explore still-life painting on canvas.  We experimented with lights and darks. mixing the three primary colors in a no-judgement zone of ourselves or each other.  This time was a space to play and nurture the artist child in each one of us.  "Painting is an attempt to come to terms with life.  There are as any solutions as there are human beings."  George Tooker To all of you who came to paint....well done!  Let us know your reflections of the evening and what you discovered by taking the time to play with paint on "Comments." For those who want to go on with painting...check out the classes in the are on the artist pages.  Be sure to join us for other mediums every month by checking the schedule on the schedule page...

Poetry Gourmet Read

 Here are some of the poems that were written and read for the gourmet poetry night. Abba Father We long to know You Abba Father But where do we find You? Somehow we drown You out in the hustle and bustle of life Yet when we halt life to spend time with You we quickly sink into the quicksand of false guilt Abba Father the world says, Don’t just sit there, do something. But Your Gospels tell us You are jealous for us. So In attempt we sit waiting and longing to commune with You To drown out the world’s messages yet it seems to no avail. Your word says we are precious in Your sight. But the message blaring from without and within says If you hope to be someone of significance then jump through the hoops How counter cultural to our prayers coming before you as an evening sacrifice. Prayer, as incense, a vapor that can’t be touched or measured Yet through Your power its impact spreads throughout the world. Oh Abba Father we l...