#3 How to feed the soul and live a more creative life..Making wreaths from found things

Sometimes I get distracted and try and make something out of something that I have.  Making new things out of extra free things that I have is a challenge I often do to make use out of things sitting around.  We have lots of saved corks around...lots of acorns from Michigan, {it was an abundant year,} and I like to use the plants that have been growing in the planters like sage along with cinnamon that can be used in cooking during the winter months.  This helps the creative process as well, as we are created as problem solvers.  Just as repurposing is the trend today and was the way of life for the generations before us, making things out of things that you have, or changing the original purpose of an item into something else is fun and challenges the brain.

It's also good to experiment.  "I think it's good to have a lot of projects going at once so you can bounce between them  When you get sick of one project, move over to another , and when you're sick of that one, move back to the project you left.  Practice productive procrastination."  Steal Like an Artist, 10 things nobody told you about being creative--by Austin Kleon
Cork Wreaths


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