Date Change for Worship Painting- June 3rd

We have had two wonderful peaceful sessions of worship painting.  I wanted you to see the paintings that have come out of those two sessions.  Also, we decided to change the date of the last scheduled session to June 3rd.......10-1pm.G.E.Covenant Church, lower atrium.

Consider coming and trying it out.   It is a wonderful way to force yourself to sit still and paint with God and see what happens.  It is also indescribable to paint in the presence of other believers.  It truly isn't about the product, but I just was so surprised at what was produced.

The summer gallery will feature worship paintings, images that God has inspired you to paint, perhaps with a message.  Let's continue to practice listening to Him, and painting what He wants to show us.  Let's call this exhibit "Invisible" after a recent exhibit in Paris by the worship arts team there.  You can read more about it below the worship paintings.

​by Lynn Auk-Lloyd
Step out of the cave of fear, doubt, and limitations. You have hidden yourself in the tomb of discouragement, disappointment, and despair long enough.
          Emerge, My lovely child. Step into the Light, My people. Come forth, My church. The Tree of Life is leading the way. Life is on the outside of the tomb – and its life in abundance!
          Come out and SEE. Come out and BE SEEN. My truth has set you free to bloom in the light of My perfect, Holy, Love. Be whom I, Jesus Christ, call you to be: the bride of the King, clothed in grace, bold in faith – ready, willing and eager to bring treasure from Heaven to earth, as you fix your eyes on your Lord and Savior, and yield to the goodness of My Ways.” – prophetic words to go with Lynn Zuk-Lloyd’s painting

This painting has a special memory of a morning in Norway marveling at the beauty of the reflection on the lake at sunrise--so far north that there was still snow on the hills in June. by Mary Crickmore

​Freedom from the Tomb.  Jesus died to give us freedom from sin but also the past and our old dead selves.  We are a new creation in Him.  Get ready to fly into the freedom He gives. by Vicky Martin

"And why do you worry about clothes?  See how the flowers of the field grow.  They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all is splendor was dressed like one of these." 
 Matt. 6:28 by Kriste Sveen

​"I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning...."
Psalm 130:6 by Kriste Sveen


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