The Maker's Space Fall schedule 2017

This community art group exists to help others slow down and hear who they were designed to be.  Your dreams, visions, personality, likes and dislikes are no accident, but were designed by the Creator for His Master plan.  Art is one way that we can give God room to speak to us.   Slowing down, day-dreaming and daring to dream is giving God room to speak.

It is an effort to seek after truth about ourselves and about others, in order to understand ourselves and understand each other better.  Truth can't come from ourselves or others as the source, but must come from an absolute source, not based on an opinion.  God's opinion of us is the only source of truth, because He is truth.

"People do not drift toward Holiness.  Apart from grace-driven effort, people do not gravitate toward godliness, prayer, obedience to Scripture, faith and delight in the Lord.  We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance;  we drift toward disobedience and call it freedom;  we drift toward superstition and call it faith.  We cherish the indiscipline of lost self-control and call it relaxation;  we slouch toward prayerlessness and delude ourselves into thinking we have escaped legalism;  we slide toward godlessness and convince ourselves we have been liberated."  D.A.Carson

What is our biggest problem living on this earth together?  In light of recent events, people are full of pride of their own views and will not listen to a different thought.  People's identities have become their ideas, so a debate about ideas has been personalized to a debate about one's identity.  We are not living in peace with one another.  We are not loving one another.  And we misunderstand each other because we aren't listening to one another.  In our cities, nations, churches, and families, we are not listening to one another and trying to understand another point of view.  Everyone has a view point.  When we don't share the same opinion, the other opinion is not wrong, it is just different and comes from another's point of view.

How can we start with ourselves, and consider another viewpoint?
Monday 7pm GEECC 277 Hawthorne Glen Ellyn, IL
September 25   Charcoal drawing

How can we start with ourselves, and consider forgiveness of others?
Monday  7pm  GEECC 277 Hawthorne Glen Ellyn, IL
October  23      Mosaic

How can we start with ourselves, and consider our gratefulness?
Monday  7pm  GEECC 277 Hawthorne Glen Ellyn, IL
November 27  Word Collage

How can we start with ourselves, and find joy? CANCELLED--MOVED TO MARCH
Monday  7pm  GEECC 277 Hawthorne Glen Ellyn, IL
December 11   Tissue Paper Painting CANCELLED---MOVED TO MARCH

Monday  7pm  GEECC 277 Hawthorne Glen Ellyn, IL
January 22       Narrative Writing

Monday 7pm  GEECC 277 Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL
February 26  Clay Hands

Monday 7pm GEECC 277 Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL
March 26  Tissue Paper Painting--Topic- Joy


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