Haymarket Center of Chicago "Like A Tree" Art-Pictures from the 11/09/18 event
Who would have thought that a simple paper bag could help a group of clients from Haymarket Center, go deeper into their recovery and reflect on the nature of their roots when they look at their lives "Like a Tree." {for more information on Haymarket Center and the wonderful work they do with recovery from addictions go to www.hcenter.org} You might think that this project would all turn out the same. But no, 26 clients spent 2 hours in concentrated time creating tree sculptures and considered what they took into their roots, good and bad that would make a strong or weak tree and would determine the fruit that they would produce. They then wrote a narrative on their piece and why they made it the way that they did. The results were all completely different. Some of their fruit represented their children. Some of their children they had lost, others were keeping them going to get them through the program. Some of the trees were bent in half representing...