Junior High Art Workshop @Vail Church 2/4/24


Vail Church's Junior High Sunday School Class, exploring their identity in Christ, was led in an art worship workshop of affirmations and who we are in Christ.  Collage was the medium where the students practiced their listening skills from God, and were led to concentrate on 1 of the many affirmations of who they are if they have decided to follow Jesus.  Many wrote the affirmation that they chose, and all were a beautiful collage of how they saw their affirmation statement.  All of the students were deeply engaged and would have worked longer if they had more than the 45 minutes allotted to the class.  Below is their raw artwork with some of their affirmations:....

Then, Wendy overlayed the students profiles that they had made during the previous week's class.  Not all of the same students were in attendance both weeks, but she worked with what she had.  The beautiful results are below:


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