Schedule of Meeting Times
Jan. 07 2-4pm Visual Journaling
Jan. 26 6-8pm The Art of Felting
Feb. 25 1:30-3:30pm Abstract Acrylic
Mar. 8 6-8pm Collage
[All meetings are at Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church, 277 Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL unless otherwise noted.]
2023-2024 Creative Prayer sessions #1 10/8 Praise-Visual journaling
#2 11/5 Thanksgiving-the art of Felting
#2 11/5 Thanksgiving-the art of Felting
#3 12/3 Lament- Marbling paint
#4 1/14 Joy- beaded bookmarks and journals
#5 2/5 Writing Workshop
2022-2023 Creative Prayer Sessions #1 Oct. 9, 5-7 pm Pen and ink and acrylic paint
2021-2022 We held 5 sessions of ?Questions?? Which can be found on the blog under Questions?
This year, we will be taking portions of the book, "Who God Says You Are, A Christian understanding of identity" by Klyne Snodgrass. So many struggle with identity and "Who am I?" How is our identity shaped and what can we do about it?
Sept. 23- Interactive Journaling
Starting with "Who God says I am" vs. the running dialogue in our heads of the inner self and our histories of the negative tape that replays everyday, we will write on 5 statements of God saying to us: "I see you", "I hear you", "I understand how hard this is for you", "I am glad to be with you", "I can do something about what you are going through."
Oct. 28--Acrylic Pour Painting "You Are Your History--Identity"
Using different amounts of acrylic paint in a cup, "called a dirty pour", anyone can create a painting that moves and is out of "our control". We may have some direction for our lives, but ultimately, God makes us His "masterpiece" if we let him take control.
Nov. 18---Clay blessing vessels
Dec. 16--- Paint marbling of a Christmas ornament--"You Are Your Mind--Identity"
Jan. 27 ---Watercolor Abstract Landscape "You Are Your Boundaries"
Feb. 24--- Origami "You Are Your Actions--Identity"
Mar. 23--- Still Life Pencil Drawing "You Are Your Body--Identity"
Apr. 27----New Brush Calligraphy "You Are Your Future--Identity"
2019 unless noted, all meetings in the space of GECovenant Church
277Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL [7pm]
January 28- Narrative Writing ...Cancelled due to weather-!!!
February 25- Clay
Come play with clay and see what develops on building tree reliefs. No clay experience necessary.
March 25- Narrative Writing led by Tanya Davis [rescheduled from January]
Let your fingers do the talking as you slow down and notice the thoughts and memories that pop into your mind. With millions of thoughts in our head, this is an exercise that allows some thoughts to surface that get crowded out from other distractions.
April 22- Acrylic painting with directions
Come see that you can paint! Step by step instruction will help you finish a completed painting.
May 27-{Memorial Day}-CHANGED TO June 3--SCRATCH ART
Designs are made using a wooden stylus on colored paper coated in black. You scratch off the black to reveal a design of your making. No experience necessary, it will look amazing!
7/09 7/16 8/14 8/28
2018 unless noted, all meetings in the space of GECovenant Church
277Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL [7pm]
January 22- Narrative Writing taught by Tanya Davis
Slow down and see what comes from your pen. Everyone has stories that are triggered by a prompt. See some that came out of this session in the blog.
February 26- Painting with Tissue Paper dyes
Using tissue paper dyes to free up expression, we will be exploring the topic of Joy.
March 26- Clay hands
Using clay, will be doing some sculpture of the expression of hands and what they can say.
April 23- Calligraphy
Words themselves are powerful. By using expressive techniques of calligraphy, words can be art.
October 22- Tree Collage
If you are a tree, what do you want your fruit to look like. Let's look at the nutrients and affirmations that we take in, in order to ensure good fruit. Tissue paper art.
November 26- Cancelled due to weather
December 10- Tree pencil drawing
Continuing our theme of "Be a tree," let's explore the art of pencil drawing and the life of an olive tree
2017 unless noted, all meetings in the space of GECovenant Church
277Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL [7pm]
January 23- Narrative Writing taught by Tanya Davis
2016 unless noted, all meetings @GECovenant Church
277 Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL
FEB. 4 The art of paper quilling CANCELLED---WILL BE RESCHEDULED
March 3 - We will be painting Easter Eggs using a Ukrainian technique taught by Khrystyna Kozuk, Ukrainian artist, called Pysanka. A pysanka (Ukrainian: писанка, plural: pysanky) is a Ukrainian Easter egg, decorated with traditional Ukrainian folk designs using a wax-resist (batik) method. The word pysanka comes from the verb pysaty, "to write," as the designs are not painted on, but written with beeswax.

March 20-March 27
Don't miss the traveling Transformational Testimonial Art Exhibit at Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church during Passion Week. It will be open all week between 10-2pm and Thursday and Friday evening during Holy Week services.
Thursday April 7, 7pm
Come hear how songs are created. Whether you have lyrics in your head, or melodies that come to you, or you just appreciate wonderful music, come and listen and be inspired.
Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church 277 Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn.
Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Ps. 33:3
Sculpture in Clay
Thursday, May 5, 7pm
Come play with clay and learn some techniques to create your very own sculpture of clay. This session will be taught by our own ceramist Susan Ferrell at her studio at 263 Sheffield Ln.,Glen Ellyn, IL No experience necessary. Come and give sculpture a try!
Acrylic Flow Painting
Thursday, June 2, 7pm
First, we will experiment with a technique of flow painting, watching how colors blend and flow into one another. This exercise can be done by anyone, as well as giving freedom to painting of expression as there are no rules. Everyone will create their own individual painting and then help with a larger collaborative piece.
We will all be creating an abstract painting on a large canvas for an office wall. Come see how a large canvas is created with many participants using home paint colors for wall art.
@Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church
MON. SEPT. 26 Drawing with Pencil 7-9PM Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church
MON. OCT. 24 CLAY 7-9PM "
2022-2023 Creative Prayer Sessions #1 Oct. 9, 5-7 pm Pen and ink and acrylic paint
#2 Nov. 13, 4-6pm Art with tree bark
#3 Jan. 15, 5-7pm Paint your heart out-guest Allison Régnier
#4 Mar.26, 5-7pm Praying with the body, making crosses
#5 Apr. 23, 5-7pm Praying with Clay
#6 May 21, 5-7pm Breath as Prayer-Alcohol Inks
2021-2022 We held 5 sessions of ?Questions?? Which can be found on the blog under Questions?
We looked at 5 questions that God asks us in other to start a conversation, and finished each session with discussion questions to take further with family and friends to begin conversations about each other.
2020-2021 Series of 5 sessions and videos on Culture Care. We have a series of videos that you can watch any time. We read the book Culture Care by Makoto Fujimura and our first art in October used Collage. You can find all five sessions in the blog under Culture Care.
This year, we will be taking portions of the book, "Who God Says You Are, A Christian understanding of identity" by Klyne Snodgrass. So many struggle with identity and "Who am I?" How is our identity shaped and what can we do about it?
Sept. 23- Interactive Journaling
Starting with "Who God says I am" vs. the running dialogue in our heads of the inner self and our histories of the negative tape that replays everyday, we will write on 5 statements of God saying to us: "I see you", "I hear you", "I understand how hard this is for you", "I am glad to be with you", "I can do something about what you are going through."
Oct. 28--Acrylic Pour Painting "You Are Your History--Identity"
Using different amounts of acrylic paint in a cup, "called a dirty pour", anyone can create a painting that moves and is out of "our control". We may have some direction for our lives, but ultimately, God makes us His "masterpiece" if we let him take control.
Nov. 18---Clay blessing vessels
Dec. 16--- Paint marbling of a Christmas ornament--"You Are Your Mind--Identity"
Jan. 27 ---Watercolor Abstract Landscape "You Are Your Boundaries"
Feb. 24--- Origami "You Are Your Actions--Identity"
Mar. 23--- Still Life Pencil Drawing "You Are Your Body--Identity"
Apr. 27----New Brush Calligraphy "You Are Your Future--Identity"
2019 unless noted, all meetings in the space of GECovenant Church
277Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL [7pm]
January 28- Narrative Writing ...Cancelled due to weather-!!!
February 25- Clay
Come play with clay and see what develops on building tree reliefs. No clay experience necessary.
March 25- Narrative Writing led by Tanya Davis [rescheduled from January]
Let your fingers do the talking as you slow down and notice the thoughts and memories that pop into your mind. With millions of thoughts in our head, this is an exercise that allows some thoughts to surface that get crowded out from other distractions.
April 22- Acrylic painting with directions
Come see that you can paint! Step by step instruction will help you finish a completed painting.
May 27-{Memorial Day}-CHANGED TO June 3--SCRATCH ART
Designs are made using a wooden stylus on colored paper coated in black. You scratch off the black to reveal a design of your making. No experience necessary, it will look amazing!
7/09 7/16 8/14 8/28
2018 unless noted, all meetings in the space of GECovenant Church
277Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL [7pm]
January 22- Narrative Writing taught by Tanya Davis
Slow down and see what comes from your pen. Everyone has stories that are triggered by a prompt. See some that came out of this session in the blog.
February 26- Painting with Tissue Paper dyes
Using tissue paper dyes to free up expression, we will be exploring the topic of Joy.
March 26- Clay hands
Using clay, will be doing some sculpture of the expression of hands and what they can say.
April 23- Calligraphy
Words themselves are powerful. By using expressive techniques of calligraphy, words can be art.
October 22- Tree Collage
If you are a tree, what do you want your fruit to look like. Let's look at the nutrients and affirmations that we take in, in order to ensure good fruit. Tissue paper art.
November 26- Cancelled due to weather
December 10- Tree pencil drawing
Continuing our theme of "Be a tree," let's explore the art of pencil drawing and the life of an olive tree
2017 unless noted, all meetings in the space of GECovenant Church
277Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL [7pm]
January 23- Narrative Writing taught by Tanya Davis
Come be inspired to use the art of the pen to shape your thoughts. No writing experience necessary. If you haven't tried this medium before, challenge yourself to try something new. We all write something can you use it as a tool to speak to you?
All are welcome to this space, to slow down, and take some time to let your creative self breathe!
February 27- Mosaic Continued
Come do a different project using your broken pottery, discovering something else about yourself.
March 27- Fabric Art taught by Nancy Farah Smith Cripe. Nancy will show us ways she uses her love of fabric to be inspired to worship and create wall art.
April 24 -- The Dramatic Arts taught by Mark Lewis
Associate Professor of Communication of Wheaton College
April 24 -- The Dramatic Arts taught by Mark Lewis
Associate Professor of Communication of Wheaton College
M.F.A., Southern Methodist University, Acting
B.S., Portland State University, Theater (Honors)
About Mark Lewis
Director of Theater Programs
My background is in acting–I made my living as an actor in New York for fifteen years prior to coming to Wheaton–but since coming to Wheaton, I have become increasingly fascinated by the act of creating theater within a community or company setting, as well as in questions of actor training within the context of an undergraduate liberal arts education. I am a lover of Shakespeare, although I am not a Shakespearean scholar, and have a specific interest in Shakespearean performance. My wife Mary and I have three beautiful daughters adopted from The People’s Republic of China.
May 22-Making Paper from Nature taught by Jim Leonard
Sept. 25 Charcoal Drawing- A different View
Oct. 23 Mosaic boxes--Forgiveness
Nov. 27 Word Collage--Gratefullness
Dec. 11 Tissue Paper Painting--Joy CANCELLED MOVED TO MARCH
Jan. 22 2018 Narrative writing
Feb. 26 2018 Clay Hands
Mar. 26 2018 Tissue Paper Painting Topic: JOY
Apr. 23 2018 Calligraphy-Beauty in beautiful letters
Sept. 25 Charcoal Drawing- A different View
Oct. 23 Mosaic boxes--Forgiveness
Nov. 27 Word Collage--Gratefullness
Dec. 11 Tissue Paper Painting--Joy CANCELLED MOVED TO MARCH
Jan. 22 2018 Narrative writing
Feb. 26 2018 Clay Hands
Mar. 26 2018 Tissue Paper Painting Topic: JOY
Apr. 23 2018 Calligraphy-Beauty in beautiful letters
2016 unless noted, all meetings @GECovenant Church
277 Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL
FEB. 4 The art of paper quilling CANCELLED---WILL BE RESCHEDULED
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March 20-March 27
Don't miss the traveling Transformational Testimonial Art Exhibit at Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church during Passion Week. It will be open all week between 10-2pm and Thursday and Friday evening during Holy Week services.
Thursday April 7, 7pm
Come hear how songs are created. Whether you have lyrics in your head, or melodies that come to you, or you just appreciate wonderful music, come and listen and be inspired.
Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church 277 Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn.
Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Ps. 33:3
Sculpture in Clay
Thursday, May 5, 7pm
Come play with clay and learn some techniques to create your very own sculpture of clay. This session will be taught by our own ceramist Susan Ferrell at her studio at 263 Sheffield Ln.,Glen Ellyn, IL No experience necessary. Come and give sculpture a try!
Acrylic Flow Painting
Thursday, June 2, 7pm
First, we will experiment with a technique of flow painting, watching how colors blend and flow into one another. This exercise can be done by anyone, as well as giving freedom to painting of expression as there are no rules. Everyone will create their own individual painting and then help with a larger collaborative piece.
We will all be creating an abstract painting on a large canvas for an office wall. Come see how a large canvas is created with many participants using home paint colors for wall art.
@Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church
MON. SEPT. 26 Drawing with Pencil 7-9PM Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church
MON. OCT. 24 CLAY 7-9PM "
All meetings unless otherwise specified, will begin at 7pm at
Glen Ellyn Covenant Church at 277 Hawthorne St., Glen Ellyn, IL
630/469-5405. Meetings will be in various locations in Wheaton and Glen Ellyn.
Check each month for specific meeting places.
Check each month for specific meeting places.
Jan. 27 Writing workshop with Don Holt, former editor of Newsweek. Come to get that writing project started. An exercise will be provided.
Feb. 24 Making Old Things New--An Introduction to Annie Sloan's Chalk painting. Come see a piece of furniture transformed. We will show you how to paint on anything without preparing the painting surface! Soon, you will be wanting to paint everything in your house, or old pieces of furniture, lamps, frames and giving them new life! Check out Annie Sloan on Pinterest, instagram or UTUBE for examples of how old things can be given new life......
Mar. 24 DOODLE ART Come experience the meditative art of doodling. This can be a wonderful way to slow down, to pray, to lower your blood pressure, to fill time in a creative experience necessary
Apr. 28 Calligraphy Come explore the art of making words express their meanings. We will learn different fonts and tools and make a finished project. You will be amazed at the results of a little knowledge of this craft.
May 27 NEW DATE WEDNESDAY!!!! Making Personalized background paper for book or journal covers, frames....personalized gifts.
June 16 NEW DATE!!! 3RD TUESDAY THIS MONTH Poetry night At the home of Kriste Sveen, call to RSVP 1[630]665-9374 or email @
Poetry Gourmet night cancelled and will be rescheduled for Thursday Sept. 3.
Poetry Gourmet night cancelled and will be rescheduled for Thursday Sept. 3.
July 21 MEDITATIVE DOODLING returns! {third Tuesday} For those who missed it, come be amazed at the work of art you can create with lines and patterns!
@Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church
@Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church
Aug. 25, Tuesday- 7pm. Acrylic abstract painting Guest painter Khrystyna Kozyuk Check out her website at We will be watching a demonstration and then trying her techniques!! This event will be held at Glen Ellyn Evangelical Church, 277 Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn, IL RSVP to and wear paint clothes. This is a paint pour technique and movement.


Sept. Gourmet Poetry {Thursday Sept. 3} RSVP to
We are exploring Haiku. Slow down and make an attempt of conveying a concept with few words. Bring any work of poetry or a favorite poet for a fun evening of concepts of the carefully chosen word. Beginners welcomed.
We are exploring Haiku. Slow down and make an attempt of conveying a concept with few words. Bring any work of poetry or a favorite poet for a fun evening of concepts of the carefully chosen word. Beginners welcomed.
Oct. 1 Cooking class with Bob and Diane Brown. We will be creating a holiday meal. RSVP to Spots are limited.
Nov. 5 Thursday Clay at the studio of Susan Ferrel
Dec. 3 Paper crafting beautiful ornaments
coming in 2016----songwriting, dance, mosaic, calligraphy, writing
coming in 2016----songwriting, dance, mosaic, calligraphy, writing
2014 6:30pm-8:30pm Glen Ellyn Covenant Church
Jan. 28 and Feb. 4 A writing series by Don Holt former editor and reporter for Newsweek
Feb. 18 Taking the fear out of Poetry led by Diane Brown a published poet
Mar. 25 NEW DATE. Don Holt has agreed to teach one more writing class on "opening lines" of a written piece, in order to grab your readers attention. There will be a sign up sheet for two future writers group dates. This smaller group will be an opportunity to bring your work to critique and inspire. Date in May and August is planned.
Apr. 18 Diane Brown has agreed to repeat the INTRO. to Poetry. Amazing inspiration of stirring the soul, check out the latest blog on poetry April is National Poetry Month
May 20 Photography discussion led by Bob Brown and Marilyn Sweeney, amazing photographers
June 17 Poetry Reading at the home of Diane Brown, 414 South Lorraine rd. Wheaton, IL
ALSO...SECOND MEETING SITE AT G.E.E.COVENANT CHURCH,..sewing pincushions and crafting.
July We are having a garden walk in July. Anyone interested in opening their gardens for a one day viewing, let me know by way of a comment on this blog!!!
July 13-The gardens of Diane Brown and Marilyn Sweeney are open 1-4pm
July 20-The gardens of Lisa Pires and Vicki Linder are open 1-4pm
Aug date? Poetry Read and dinner at the home of Kriste Sveen. Dinner by the Brown's . Bring your poems to read.
Sept. 16th Canvas Still life painting at the home of Kriste Sveen. Outdoors, bring your own beverage and small fee. Let me know if you are coming so I have enough supplies. Be warm and bring a paint shirt.
Oct. 21 First night of a paper crafting group. Project will be provided. Please let us know on the comments if you plan to attend so enough supplies are available. If there is enough interest, a monthly crafting group will be started.
Nov. 18 Introduction to Rosemaling, Norwegian decorative painting
Dec. 11 THURSDAY 7:00pm @ Glen Ellyn Evangelical Church Relaxing evening of inspirational Christmas Tag making for your gifts or for our PADS homeless clients that they may take with them.
Unless otherwise noted, events start at 6:30 at Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church
Jan. Eucharistones..gratitude stones to give away
Feb. Celtic Glass Painting
Mar. Mosaic Cross beginning for the congregational Lenten mosaic cross
Apr. Ceramic lace bowls and platters for art sale
May Art sale and show/Attic Treasures to benefit Youth Czech Mission Trip
June Writer's Workshop
July Large Canvas Painting
August rescheduled
September Watercolor
Oct. Writer's Workshop "Your Story"
Nov. 18 Drawing Portraits with Eleanor Manning
Dec. 16 Craft night for art sale and show in spring. Feel free to bring anything you may be working on.
We will also learn how to hand sew pin cushions for sale in the spring art show.
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